Home Services


In need of an expert?

Accelting helps you to get the best out of your accelerometer data for movement and/or sleep research. I can provide support and training around existing software and algorithms, help to enhance them or build entirely new digital technologies. Accelting does not produce its own sensor hardware but focuses on the analysis of data coming from a wide range of sensor brands, e.g. ActivInsights, Axivity, ActiGraph, Shimmer, MoviSens, ActivPal, and Empatica.

Just need a sparring partner?

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Do you run into issues with Open Source software, or simply do not know where to start? I look forward helping you. For the past ten years I have been providing free basic support in the public GGIR google group, which has been of tremendous help to many GGIR users. As I do this for free, I cannot guarantee a fast and elaborate response. If you need a fast and personal support please contact me for a quote.

In relation to support via training: The GGIR training courses I provided between 2019 and 2024 with support from Jairo Hidalgo Migueles have been discontinued. The now much improved free GGIR documentation has significantly reduced the need for dedicated training services. However, for those who still prefer to follow a training, please contact Jairo Hidalgo Migueles who will facilitate a GGIR training via his own website moving forward.


Algorithm development

If existing algorithms are not sufficient for your research question(s), I can develop a new algorithm for you. I have extensive experience with the development of algorithms for accelerometer data, including: signal error reduction, missing data imputation, energy expenditure estimation, activity type detection, and sleep detection. I am familiar with both physiological and biomechanical concepts as well as the fundamentals of machine learning and statistics. A full algorithm development trajectory typically involves the following steps: Literature research, Data collection, Data quality check,  Exploration of  variety of classification techniques (incl. machine learning), Proof of concept, Cross validation and Publication. I can provide services around all of these stages.

Algorithm development

Software development

I am able to build new Open Source research software as well as enhance existing software. This can include data management tasks, algorithm implementation, data visualisation functionalities, as well as setting up a good software development infrastructure. I have experience with both R and Python, work both in Windows and Linux, and share my code with version control.

Software development

Let’s talk...

and address your research challenges together.